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  1. #Ejabberd avatar serial number
  2. #Ejabberd avatar install
  3. #Ejabberd avatar upgrade
  4. #Ejabberd avatar Pc

  • To set the silent installation mode, run the command: msiexec /i « WIService.msi » wiserviceSilentMode=true.
  • adds silent installation mode for WIService using MSI.
  • updated silent uninstall procedure: Run the following command through the Command Line: for /f « usebackq skip=1 tokens=* » %i in (`wmic product where « Name like ‘Wildix Integration Service' » get IdentifyingNumber ^| findstr /r /v « ^$ »`) do /c « msiexec /uninstall %i /qn ».
  • adds auto generation of a random product id for each new version during MSI deployment.
  • adds watchdog mechanism that starts WIService if it is not running.
  • improves collecting of crash logs: now logs from crash_dumps folder are sent automatically.
  • fixes an issue with redundant events being sent to crash logs.
  • #Ejabberd avatar Pc

  • fixes an issue in which the extension stopped working after PC waking from sleep mode. Current limitation: dialing hot keys don’t work after PC waking from sleep mode until WiService restart.
  • fixes an issue with self-restarting crash.
  • fixes an issue with the component couldn’t be installed in Firefox v.
  • ejabberd avatar

  • fixes a crash issue while being connected to Multiuser environments (Citrix, Windows Server).
  • 2.5.4 adds possibility to select Outlook Calendars for sync – app: Wildix Outlook Integration component v. The current version includes the following changes:

    #Ejabberd avatar upgrade

    Note: In case of WMS Network, we recommend to upgrade all the PBXs to the same WMS version

    #Ejabberd avatar serial number

    Note: Upgrade to version higher than 3.84.x is not possible for Hardware PBXs with serial number matching 000db9* (Geode CPU) Important: From version 8.32 option DHCP 176 is reserved for VLAN configuration of phones, if your DHCP server provides this option disable it or make sure it contains the right VLAN for the phones. Important: starting from WMS version 8.38, changes Remote Support Server IP the following IP ranges are now used by Remote Support server (make sure they don’t collide with your internal network ranges): certificates for connection to remote support for PBXs which are not upgraded expire on !

    #Ejabberd avatar install

    Important: In case of upgrade from WMS version 2.x to 3.85 the upgrade procedure might require to be performed twice to install all available packages. Important: in order to access ubiconf Videoconference on WMS 3.88, you need to upgrade your PBXs to the version 8.20 and higher. Otherwise, PBXs which are not up to date will no longer have access to videoconference rooms starting from August 01, 2019. Passerelles VoIP | Amplificateur PA SIP.Téléphone sans fil IP DECT | Système W-AIR.

    ejabberd avatar

    Histoires de clients | Customer story | Case study."C://ProgramData//ejabberd//conf//server.pem " # - "/etc/letsencrypt/live/localhost/fullchain.pem" # - "/etc/letsencrypt/live/localhost/privkey.pem" ca_file: "C://ProgramData//ejabberd//conf//cacert. "GAYAN-SAMUDITHA " loglevel: 4 log_rotate_size: 10485760 log_rotate_date: " " log_rotate_count: 1 log_rate_limit: 100 certfiles: # Example of folded string: # > Art thou not Romeo, # and a Montague? # language: "en " hosts: # Examples of quoted string: "Lizzard", "orange".

    ejabberd avatar

    # Example: dog, 'Jupiter', '3.14159', YELLOW # - numeric literals. # However, ejabberd treats different literals as different types: # - unquoted or single-quoted strings. #' ejabberd configuration file # The parameters used in this configuration file are explained at # The configuration file is written in YAML.

    Ejabberd avatar